Image: Detail from Trace (ex. Stages portfolio) by Scott A. Campbell, 2004, serigraph
Northern New England Museum of Contemporary Art (NNEMoCA) creates transformative art experiences for visitors by fostering meaningful dialogue and challenging established perceptions.
NNEMoCA houses and cares for collections of contemporary art, artifacts and other objects of artistic, cultural, and historic importance including an extensive reference library and archives for additional context.
Our vision is to transform and enrich humanity through visual art and ideas.
NNEMoCA engages people with important ideas and the ongoing dialogue in contemporary visual arts and culture.
NNEMoCA creates transformative art experiences for visitors by fostering meaningful dialogue and challenging established perceptions.

“It has been my desire to have the process of collecting art live up to its potential as a creative act, much like the creation of art itself. I believe that visual art is part of a healthy emotional, conceptual, and cognitive ‘diet’ designed to foster mental sensitivity and cultural awareness. My goal for the collection is for it to be another good reason for people to come to Vermont and an opportunity for Vermont Artists to show their work in a museum setting.”
— Mark S. Waskow, President, Northern New England Museum of Contemporary Art